The article represents results of research of information security problem in social and human aspects. Authors\nassume that information sciences are usually focused on detecting and further processing of technical mechanisms\nand tools for support of information security. However, the analysis of social and human factors influencing\ngrowth of criminality in the field of information technologies, search for complex measures and methods aiming to\ndecrease human risks arising from computer criminality is very important as well. One of solutions for information\nsecurity problem in credit and financial spheres is shown on the example of bank system of Russia. Special\nattention is drawn to analysis of specificity and dynamics of hacker subculture, its place in cybercrime, taking into\naccount interdisciplinary direction of research of the information security problem. The authors of the article came\nto the conclusion that early detecting and studying existing and potential threats, notifying system administrators\nand other technical personnel on such threats and coordinating their activity, as well as cultural and educational\npolicy of states and international communities aiming to create a positive information security expert image, are\nvery important for the information security support.